Admission in AY 2024

2024Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of Enrollment[January – February Selection Process] April 1, 2024 / October 1, 2024
[July Selection Process] October 1, 2024
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List
  • Faculty Directory
  • Faculty List (by Affiliation)
    * Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application Deadline[January – February Selection Process] December 15, 2023 (JST)
[July Selection Process] June 4, 2024 (JST)
Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Master’s Programs)
2024Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Master’s Programs)
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Computer Science
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2024
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List
  • Faculty Directory
  • Faculty List (by Affiliation)
    * Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineDecember 15, 2023 5:00 PM (JST)

2024 Special Selection based on the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program (国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目) (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentOctober 1, 2024
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List
  • Faculty Directory
  • Faculty List (by Affiliation)
    * Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineDecember 15, 2023 5:00 PM (JST)

International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL
International Resilience Engineering Program powered by Industry-Academia Collaborated PBL
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Doctoral program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Master’s program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2024
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty MemberFaculty Directory
Faculty List (by Affiliation)
* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineThe application will be accepted by submitting both of the following by the deadlines.
[Electronic files (via email)] Deadline: October 6, 2023 3:00 PM (JST)
[Original copy/printed documents (via a tracked deliverty service)] Deadline: October 18, 2023 (JST)


International Program for Human-Centered AI Society
International Program for Human-Centered AI Society
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Computer Science
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2024
Pre-screeningThe applicant must pass the pre-screening conducted by the Degree Program in order to apply for this program.
Please refer the web page of Computer Science.
Application GuidelinesApplication Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty MemberFaculty Directory
Faculty List (by Affiliation)
* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineThe application will be accepted by submitting both of the following by the deadlines.
[Electronic files (via email)] Deadline: October 6, 2023 3:00 PM (JST)
[Original copy/printed documents (via a tracked deliverty service)] Deadline: October 18, 2023 (JST)

Double Degree Program ( University of Tsukuba ‒ University of Grenoble Alpes )
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Computer Science
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2024
Application GuidelinesApplication Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty MemberFaculty Directory
Faculty List (by Affiliation)
* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineDecember 22, 2023 (JST)

Admission in AY 2023

2023 Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of Enrollment[January – February Selection Process] April 1, 2023 / October 1, 2023
[July Selection Process] October 1, 2023
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List
  • Faculty Directory
  • Faculty List (by Affiliation)
    * Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application Deadline[January – February Selection Process] December 16, 2022 5:00 PM (JST)
[July Selection Process] June 2, 2023 5:00 PM (JST)

2023 Special Selection based on the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program (国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目) (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentOctober 1, 2023
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List
  • Faculty Directory
  • Faculty List (by Affiliation)
    * Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineDecember 16, 2023 5:00 PM (JST)

Admission in AY 2022

January to February Selection Process
2022 Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of Enrollment[January – February Selection Process] April 1, 2022 / October 1, 2022
[July Selection Process] October 1, 2022
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List

* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).

Application Deadline[January – February Selection Process] December 17, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)
[July Selection Process] June 3, 2022 5:00 PM (JST)

2022 Special Selection based on the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program (国家建設高水平大学公派研究生項目) (Doctoral Programs)
Applicable ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentOctober 1, 2022
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List

* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).

Application DeadlineDecember 17, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)

International Resilience Engineering Program Powered by Project-Based Learning
International Resilience Engineering Program Powered by Project-Based Learning
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Doctoral program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Master’s program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2022
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty MemberFaculty member list (Master’s Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy)
Faculty member list (Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy)
Faculty member list (Master’s Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering)
Faculty member list (Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering)
* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineThe application will be accepted by submitting both of the following by the deadlines.
[Electronic files (via email)]
Deadline: October 13, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)
[Original copy/printed documents (via a tracked delivery service)]
Deadline: October 20, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)


International Program for Human-Centered AI Society
International Program for Human-Centered AI Society
Applicable ProgramsMaster’s program in Computer Science
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2022
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty MemberFaculty member list (Master’s Program in Computer Science)
Faculty member list (Doctoral Program in Computer Science)
* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become their prospective supervisor (the person who gives them academic instructions after enrollment).
Application DeadlineThe application will be accepted by submitting both of the following by the deadlines.
[Electronic files (via email)]
Deadline: October 13, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)
[Original copy/printed documents (via a tracked delivery service)]
Deadline: October 20, 2021 5:00 PM (JST)

Admission in AY 2021

January February Selection Process
2021 Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Programs)
ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentApril 1, 2021/October 1, 2021
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Application DeadlineDecember 18, 2020 * The application period has ended.


July Selection Process
2021 Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Programs) July Selection Process
ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentOctober 1, 2021
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List

* Before applying, applicants must contact a faculty member and obtain consent to become your prospective supervisor (the person who gives you academic instructions after enrollment).

Application DeadlineJune 4, 2021 * The application period has ended.

2021 Special Selection for Students with Scholarship by China Scholarship Council (Doctoral Programs)
ProgramsDoctoral Program in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctoral Program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Computer Science
Doctoral Program in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
Doctoral Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Date of EnrollmentOctober 1, 2021
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Application DeadlineDecember 18, 2020 * The application period has ended.

[ How to Calculate your GPA: Click ]
International Program for Frontier Informatics
ProgramMaster’s program in Computer Science
Doctoral program in Computer Science
CourseInternational Program for Frontier Informatics
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member ListFaculty member list(Masterʼs program)Faculty member list(Doctoral program)

* Before you apply, you have to contact a prospective supervisor
(a faculty member from whom you wish to receive academic instruction)
and obtain his/her consent to your application in advance.


Interdisciplinary Resilience Engineering Program Powered by Project-Based Learning
ProgramMaster’s program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Doctoral program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
Master’s program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
Doctoral program in Risk and Resilience Engineering
CourseInterdisciplinary Resilience Engineering Program Powered by Project-Based Learning
Application Guidelines
Application Forms
Faculty Member List<Master’s Program>
Faculty member list(Engineering Mechanics and Energy)Faculty member list(Risk and Resilience Engineering)<Doctoral Program>
Faculty member list(Engineering Mechanics and Energy)Faculty member list(Risk and Resilience Engineering)* Before you apply, you have to contact a prospective supervisor
(a faculty member from whom you wish to receive academic instruction)
and obtain his/her consent to your application in advance.