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Master's and Doctoral Degree Programs
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For more web tools for students, please visit here.
Generally, course numbers are assigned to courses offered after AY 2020 according to the following rules. Please make sure to register for the courses with the correct course numbers.
Courses for students enrolled after AY 2020: Course numbers start with “0A” or “0B.”
Courses for students enrolled before AY 2019: Course numbers start with “01” or “02.”
The course numbers for Graduate General Education Courses (GCEC) for students enrolled before AY 2019 are the same as the course numbers for students enrolled after AY 2020, starting with “0A”.
Forms for students enrolled after 2020
Click here to see the course overview and schedule in AY 2022.
Introductory video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/691216973
Click here to see the course overview and schedule in AY 2021.
Introductory video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/524568624
Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area
University of Tsukuba
3A201, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan
Weekdays: 9:00-12:15 and 13:15-17:00
Weekends and Holidays: Closed
029-853-4979 E-mail: sysinfo.kyomu “at” sie.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace “at” with @.)
029-853-7292 E-mail: sysinfo-gakuseishien “at” un.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace “at” with @.)
029-853-4989 E-Mail: sien3 “at” un.tsukuba.ac.jp (Replace “at” with @.)