Entrance Fee Exemption and Tuition Waiver

  • Entrance Fee Exemption
  • Tuition Fees Deferment / Monthly Installments
  • Tuition Fee Exemption

For details, click here.

Scholarships and Educational Support

Financial Support for Doctoral Program Students Doctoral Program

Financial Support System at the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering

Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering offer a financial support for doctoral students.
In this financial support system, in addition to the exemption of student tuitions offered university-wide, the Graduate School of Systems and Engineering uniquely employs students as research assistants (RA), in order to provide exemption or provision of RA honorarium for more than half the amount equivalent to the annual tuition of a student. Except for students who do not meet the qualification requirements, this support is available for all the candidate students.
* In order to receive this financial support, it is necessary to submit the application required for the exemption of student tuitions offered university-wide, and the application to receive this support by the specified date.
The following students cannot apply for this financial support.

  • Working students who have a constant income, such as students who receive a salary from their place of employment
  • Japanese government scholarship students and Research Fellowships for Young Scientists of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS Fellowships) who receive a constant income
  • International students of foreign governments who receive an allowance equivalent to the tuition or cost of living

Financial Support for Students of Empowerment Informatics 5-year Doctoral Program

Students enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Empowerment Informatics are eligible for financial support in the form of stipend under the Financial Support Scheme for Special Fellows. Financial Support of 70,000 Japanese yen will be paid to the students on a monthly basis. Any students receiving other forms of financial aid such as the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship and JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC) are not eligible to apply. In addition, students enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Empwerment Informatics are eligible for a full tuition exemptions.

The Doctoral Program in Empowerment Informatics has been selected as a “University Fellowship Founding Program” by the Japanese Government (MEXT). Therefore, starting from FY 2021, third-year students and above enrolled in this program will receive financial support of 2.3 million Japanese yen per year (175,000 Japanese yen per month for living expenses and 200,000 yen per year for research expenses) instead of the above-mentioned financial support if they pass the screening.
* “University Fellowship Founding Program”ended in FY2023.

Teaching Assistant (TA) System Master’s ProgramDoctoral Program

The purpose for introducing the TA system is to promote improvement in the treatment of graduate students by providing remuneration, as well as to promote improvement in the university education and the provision of training opportunities as instructors for excellent graduate students of the university, by the student performing educational assistant work under educational considerations.
Our degree programs actively employ students as TAs.
Master’s Program students who became TAs assist the classes of undergraduate degree program, and the Doctoral Program students assist the classes of Master’s Programs and undergraduate degree program.
The TA system has achieved the following effectiveness.

  1. Improvement of the educational environment university-wide
  2. Improvement in study guidance techniques and educational consciousness of students engaged in TA work
  3. Financial support for students

For details, click here.

Research Assistant (RA) System Doctoral Program

This system is for Doctoral program students to perform Research Assistant (RA) work.
* Regarding the employment of RAs, most of the employment is related to research work using research funds externally acquired by individual faculty members.

Research Fellowships for Young Scientists of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS DC Fellowship) Doctoral Program

When Doctoral program students are employed under a JSPS DC Fellowship, the student is able to receive grants for the encouragement of research, in addition to research funds.
* For the details of the program and other related information, see JSPS website: