New Interdisciplinary Fields Integrated with Systems, Information and Society

New Interdisciplinary Fields Integrated with Systems, Information and Society

For those who wish to study at SIE

  • In 2020, the University of Tsukuba reorganized the programs into "three Graduate Schools and six Degree Programs" by transitioning all graduate programs to a new degree program system.
  • Explore the Degree programs in Systems and Information Engineering (SIE) and find out more about our distinctive style of education and research.
  • FAQ for International Students


Policy and Planning Sciences

This program provides training of global specialists who can contribute to social demands from a professional point of view in finance & optimization, urban planning and behavioral science.


Service Engineering

This program develops human resources who are capable of solving current and future social problems in the service field, and scientifically verifying the results.


Risk and Resilience Engineering

The aim of this program is to realize resilient social systems utilizing the analyzed and evaluated results of risks through an engineering approach.


Computer Science

This program solves various problems in the actual world through an informatics approach based on specialties related to various fields of information technology.


Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems

This engineering system contributes to the actual world through the cooperation and collaboration of various elements based on theories which express complicated phenomenon in humans, society and the natural world.


Engineering Mechanics and Energy

This program covers education and research in a broad range of engineering fields, such as machinery, architecture, social infrastructure, energy and aerospace.


Empowerment Informatics

Empowerment Informatics is for supplementing human functions, and harmonizing with humans to extend human functions. This program creates engineering systems which improve the quality of life.


Life Science Innovation (Bioinformatics)

This program aims to open up new progress in the life sciences research by a bioinformatics approach using bioresources.


Degree Programs Research Field


Algae Biomas and Energy System R&D Center

Center for Computational Sciences

University of Tsukuba Info. Central Workshop

R&D Center for Frontiers of MIRAI in Policy and Technology