Research and Educational Programs

Research Groups

Click here for information on the research groups by the faculty members of the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering.


Young Researcher Training Program for the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering / Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering

The purpose of this program is to foster awareness in young researchers of the interconnected process from writing a research proposal to managing research funds by providing graduate students enrolled in a doctoral program at the graduate school with the opportunity to apply for research funds, and to by doing so provide support for career improvement in order to train them to become researchers who will carry both Japan and the world forward in future.

2024 Admissions Outline
2024 Application Form (Form 1)
2024 Reseach Results Report (Form 2)

◆Application Deadline
5 p.m. Friday, June 21, 2024
Submit to: Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area (3A201)
e-mail: (Extension: 4979)


Selected students for 2023

Selected students for 2022

Selected students for 2021

Selected students for 2020

Selected students for 2019

Selected students for 2018

Selected students for 2017


Research and Educational Programs

The Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program by the Secretariat of the Nuclear Regulation Authority

The Nuclear Regulation Human Resource Development Program based on Risk and Resilience Study (since 2020)

MEXT Program for Leading Graduate Schools

PhD Program in Empowerment Informatics (2013-2019, 2020 and onwards)

MEXT Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovation & Smart Education

Ph.D. Program in Humanics (2018-2024)

The establishment of a degree program under the management of Resilience Research and Education Promotion Consortium

Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Risk and Resilience Engineering (established in 2020 in cooperation with companies, research institutions and the university)

MEXT Brush Up Programs for Professionals (BP)

Master’s Programs in Policy and Planning Sciences, Strategic Frontiers for Regional Revitalization (since 2019)