
Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area

3A201, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573 Japan
Weekdays: 9:00-12:15 and 13:15-17:00 (JST)
Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Please email us with your specific questions as follows:
(If you are currently enrolled in the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering, please see contact information for current students.)

General Inquries

Graduate Support
E-mail: contact “at” (Replace “at” with @.)

Inquiries on Entrance Examinations

Graduate Support (Graduate Admission)
E-mail: sysinfo.admission “at” (Replace “at” with @.)
Note: Please check our FAQ page before contacting us.

Click here for the brochures of the Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering.