
The latest news about Teaching Assistant (TA) and Teaching Fellow (TF) will be posted on this web page.


We are now accepting AY 2024 (October 2024 – March 2025) TA employment documents from students. See “Annual flow > 1. Employment.” *Submission Deadline: Tuesday, July 17, 2024


In AY 2024, the seminar will be held online on the e-learning system Manaba.Click here for details


We are now accepting AY 2024 (April 2024 – March 2025) TA employment documents from students. See “Annual flow > 1. Employment.” *Submission Deadline: Monday, February 19, 2024


The training seminar for TA in AY 2023 will be held online from Saturday, April 1, 2023. Click here for details.


The application guidelines for TF in AY 2023 (April 2023 – March 2024) is posted on the TWINS bulletin board. Application Deadline: Friday, February 17, 2023

Instructions on TA attendance book has been released. Please read “Annual flow > 2. Working hour management” carefully before start working as TA.

What is TA & TF?

Teaching Assistants (TA)

The university teaching assistant (TA) system, which enables graduate students to engage in educational assistance work, is designed to improve the quality of university education, and to provide graduate students with training opportunity to become future faculty member.
The TA handbook contains important information for you to work as TA, such as basic rules and scope of work. Please be sure to read it thoroughly before hiring.

See TA handbook

Teaching Fellows (TF)

Doctoral students at Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering who meet certain qualifications (e.g. submission of implementation reports) can apply for teaching fellow (TF). This allows them to engage in a wider range of tasks, such as assisting in class content planning. The TF applicants will be required to obtain approval of their academic supervisor and the Chair of the Program before submitting the application documents. The applicants will be certified as TFs after they passed the selection process.
The application method will be posted on the TWINS bulletin board around the beginning of February every year.

Annual Flow

Graduate students at Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering are requested to submit the following documents by the designated date once their employment as TA is confirmed. Click here for how to submit.

What to submit

Download all required document forms (ZIP file) (Posted June 12, 2024)

Documents required to be submitted by everyone

Work schedule (required for each class)

  • [Form 4] Work schedule
    * Please ask the class instructor for the “job number.” The work schedules must be decided in consultation with the class instructors.
    * If you are working as a TA for more than one class, you will need to submit a work schedule for each class.
    * Please take a copy of the work schedule before submitting, and keep the copy.
    * If there is a change to the work schedule, please immediately update and resubmit the document to the Academic Service Office for SIE Area (Graduate Support).

Documents to inform your individual number

  1. Document to verify your individual number (“My number”)
    Submit any of the following:
    – Photocopy of the individual number card (“My number card”) (both sides)
    – Photocopy of the individual number notification card
    – Photocopy of the resident record (a certificate of residence issued by the municipality where you live) which lists your individual number (“My number”)
  2. Identification document
    Submit any of the following. If you submit a photocopy of your individual number card as a document to verify your individual number, you do not need to provide identification.
    – Photocopy of the driver’s license
    – Photocopy of the passport
    – Photocopy of the residence card
    – Photocopy of the special permanent resident certificate
    If you are unable to provide any of the identification documents above, please select and submit two documents from the following:
    – Photocopy of the health insurance card
    – Photocopy of the pension handbook
    – Photocopy of the resident record
  3. * You do NOT need to submit the following documents if you have submitted it to the University of Tsukuba before.
    * The documents 1 and 2 must be submitted in a sealed envelope. Write your name, program, contact information and the contents (the type of document you choose to submit) on the surface of the envelope.
    * Please use the special envelope distributed at the counter of the Academic Service Office for SIE Area (Graduate Support), or download, print and attach the form below to the surface of any envelope of the appropriate size.
    Click here to download the form

Documents required to be submitted by foreign students

  • Photocopy of the residence card (both sides)
    * Please prepare it separately from the one required as a document to report your individual number.
  • Photocopy of the cover and the first page of your bank passbook

Register for a payroll account

Please register your payroll payee at the following website.
Please be sure to complete the registration by the end of April for those who will be appointed in April.
Payee Information, etc. Application system:

INFOSS Information Ethics Course

The University of Tsukuba provides INFOSS Information Ethics Course, the e-learning materials aimed at improving ICT proficiency of the University members, in the e-learning system Manaba.
Current students are required to take the course before hiring. New students (including students who have graduated from the bachelor’s degree program at the University of Tsukuba) should take the course after enrollment in graduate school.

For further information about INFOSS Information Ethics Course, see: (Organization for Information Infrastructure, University of Tsukuba)
Please read the “Student Registration Guide” posted on the web page linked above.
If all of the following tests are “passed”, you have completed the course.

  • INFOSS20XX English version test1 – test5
  • A Checklist Course for the Prevention of Theft and Leakage of Personal and Confidential Information (Exercise)

The working hours of TA at Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering are managed using the attendance books placed at the Academic Service Office for SIE Area (Graduate Support). The salary as TA will be paid on the 17th day of the month following the working month, based on the records in the attendance book (the payday may change depending on the day of the week). TAs are required to put their seal on the attendance book before the start of work on each working day.

Please read the documents below carefully as they contain essential information for working as TA in AY 2024.

How to Apply to Work from Home/Reporting after Working from Home

[Application Documents to Work from Home]

  1. Application Form to Work from Home (PDF; MS Word)
    * Required to be submitted for every month to be worked from home
  2. Written Confirmation of PC Settings to Be Used at Home (PDF; MS Word)
    * Required to be submitted once within the academic year

[Reporting after Working from Home]
See “Instructions on Teaching Assistant (TA) Attendance Book” above.

Important: If your place of work is on a university campus (e.g. in a lab), you do NOT need to apply for working from home even if you are in charge of online class(es). In that case, please just drop in at the Academic Service Office and put your seal on the attendance book on each working day, before the start of work in the laboratory (or any other place in the university campus).

Coming soon

After completing your work as a TA/TF, please promptly submit the activity report for each class to the class instructor. The report format is different for TA and TF.

Start Working as a Teaching Assistant

Students who will work as a teaching assistant (TA) from AY 2024 (April 2024 – March 2025) are requested to submit their CV and other documents to the Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area (Graduate Support) by Monday, February 19, 2024. See “Annual flow > 1. Employment” above for more information.

Applying for Teaching Fellow

The application guidelines for TF in AY 2024 (April 2024 – March 2025) is now posted on the TWINS bulletin board(“【シス情大学院】2024年度ティーチング・フェロー(TF)の申請方法について”).
If you would like to apply, please submit the required documents by Monday, February 19, 2024.

Teaching Assistant Training Seminar

Students who will be assigned as TAs after April 2024 are required to attend the training.
Please be sure to take this Training Seminar.

Around April every year, we hold a university-wide TA training seminar to help new TAs get basic information to start working as TAs and acquire practical skills required to engage in their tasks.

In AY 2024, the seminar will be held online on the e-learning system Manaba.
Click here for details

Compliance in Preventing Misconduct in Education and Research Expenses

Click here for details


Graduate Support, Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area (3A201)
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM, 1:15 PM – 5:00 PM
sysinfo.ta“at” (Replace “at” with @.)