Focus (Introduction of SIE)
Students Voice Vol.1- Yijie Guo (Master’s Program in Intelligent Interaction Technologies)
I have experienced a very fulfilling and wonderful master’s education in this program.
During the two years of the master’s program in intelligent interaction technologies, I have had a great opportunity to establish my research with the support of the lab and the department.
I have been fortunate to have three professors as my supervisor during the whole study. With their help, I not only completed my research but also trained my presentation skills through the departmental and laboratory seminars.
Also, the department offers us a rich selection of courses covering all areas of engineering. These courses have provided me with great knowledge to build my research. For example, my research topic is in human-robot interaction, so I have taken many courses on interaction and user studies, such as [Usability Testing], [Social Robotics], etc. These courses taught me how to design prototype interfaces and user testing.
In addition, the city of Tsukuba is a great place to study. Here are many research institutes, and we can exchange ideas with many experts in different fields. Also, thanks to Tsukuba’s convenient transportation, we can easily travel to Tokyo for relaxation.
Therefore, I highly recommend having the experience to study in Tsukuba.
(Yijie Guo, Master’s Program in Intelligent Interaction Technologies)
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* reorganized from Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Intelligent Interaction Technologies since 2020